Monday, 18 April 2011

i just had to point out to a friend that Friday is a holiday.
it worries a me how caught up in the routine and the stress of day to day life already. i mean we are 21. young and supposed to be having fun. not worrying about how we are going to pay rent or stressing about work and jobs and bureaucratic bullshit. i didn't realise it was Easter this weekend until i looked at the roster at work. i knew it was coming but i didn't realise it was here. time is flying by while we are getting caught up in the semantics of everyday life. before we know it we will be middle aged with a family and more responsibilities than we thought possible. why does it already feel like we have plenty to stress about instead of living it up? is it our desire to be more than this town? are we avoiding being another cliché 20 something gone wild? why are we letting life fly by pretending to live without stopping to smell the roses?

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